
Hennifer Lopez

Breed: Americana
Birthday: Unknown
Bio: Likes to hop on mom’s lap & snuggle. Lays blue eggs.


Breed: Whiting True Green
Birthday: Unknown
Bio: Loves to snuggle with mom. Lays green eggs.


Breed: Whiting True Green
Birthday: 2024-04-01
Bio: Likes to come in the house so she gets to wear a diaper! Lays olive green eggs.


Breed: Bielefelder
Birthday: 2024-04-01
Bio: The most handsome roo! Wakes us up at 5am!

Tina Turner

Breed: Crevecoeur
Birthday: Unknown
Bio: A crossbeak with a lot of spunk. Tina has to be hand fed 2-3 times a day because she can’t eat on her own.

Scarlett Johenson

Breed: Buff Orpington
Birthday: 2023-02-15
Bio: Scarlett is our largest hen. She wears booties most of the time because she has bumblefoot. She lays extra large light brown eggs almost daily.

Feather Flocklear

Breed: Buff Brahma
Birthday: 2023-02-15
Bio: Has feathers on her feet. Lays beautiful speckled brown eggs.


Breed: Olive Egger
Birthday: 2024-04-01
Bio: Named Olive because she was supposed to lay olive green eggs. She’s in the 25% that lay brown. We love her anyway!

Meryl Cheep

Breed: Welsummer
Birthday: 2024-04-01
Bio: Lays beautiful brown speckled eggs

Ellen Deheneres

Breed: Sapphire Gem
Birthday: 2023-02-15
Bio: Aka Chicken Dog because she follows us everywhere. Lays pinkish brown eggs.